Get notified about new or updated assets
It’s easy to get notified about new assets and modifications to existing ones—Fluxiom offers RSS feeds (What is RSS to to keep you updated about such changes.
Subscribe to a RSS feed
First click on the “RSS Feed” icon in the bottom toolbar.
If you subscribe to the global RSS feed you will be notified about every new/updated asset.
You can also subscribe to a tag-based RSS feed. Just select one or more tags from the tag-bar and you’ll get a view of all assets tagged with the specific tags. Click on the icon labeled “RSS Feed” to open up the RSS feed panel with an option to subscribe to the current view. (read more about tagging.
- Click this link and your browser (or default feed reader) will prompt you to enter username and password for your Fluxiom account.
- Confirm by clicking “Log in” and the latest items of the feed will be shown in your browser’s (or feed reader’s) window.
If you use any application other than your browser for checking feeds you’re done now. Whenever an asset gets uploaded or updated you’ll be notified via your feed reader. If you subscribed to a tag based view you’ll only be notified when an updated or uploaded asset matches the selected tags.
Browser feed readers:
Drag the Feed URL onto your browsers bookmark bar or add it to your bookmark menu.
A small number next to the bookmark indicates new or updated assets.
Desktop feed readers:
- Mac OS X: NetNewsWire
- Windows: Feedreader
IMPORTANT NOTE: We strongly recommend not to use online feed readers, as there’s no guarantee that your feeds will be kept private. If you need to use an online feed reader, please double-check or the privacy of your data might be compromised. Also note that some online feed readers are incompatible to the password-protected feeds that Fluxiom uses.
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