Helping you find new files
The Assets View is the core of your Fluxiom account. It refreshes in real time, displaying files as they come in.
Freshly uploaded files now bear a green badge right in front of their filename
Today, to make it even easier to locate the latest additions to your data, we have started badging the newest files with a small green indicator. It is applied to all new files, whether uploaded by you or somebody else, and it disappears as soon as you reload the view manually.
If you are actively working in your Assets View, we will highlight the Reload button instead
As always, we won’t interfere with your Assets View if you are in the middle of something important. New assets don’t show up if you have actively selected files or are performing a search, meaning there would be nothing for us to badge. In this instance, we will continue to highlight the Reload button to let you know that new data has arrived, just as before.
Key Points
- Freshly uploaded files now bear a green badge
- If you are actively working in your Assets View, we will highlight the Reload button instead